Saturday, September 5, 2009

6 weeks.

Doc : Hi, how are you!
efan : Fine, doc..Thanks.
Doc : how are you?(refer to zatyl)
zatyl : not really fine..i got flu..:(
Doc : hmm, let me see..berat dah susut..(*checking2)..Daddy, come here..alrite, let me scan outside first.
Doc : hmm...see, thats the heart.
efan :, how old is that?
Doc : ok, lets check...i can say around 6 weeks...
efan & zatyl : :D(*senyum lebar!).........

Note : im gonna be a daddy!!


a guy with moustache said...

im gonna be an uncle no blood related!

misztick said...

uuuu kencang ardy!! hahaha..CONGRATZZZZZZZZ

Unknown said...

alamak so sweet la Daddy ni..ehehe

dellia said...

i'm gonna be a kakak no blood related.. weeeeeeeeee.. :D

eFan said...

yana, kakak??
bibik laa..

- L e 3 n - said...

wah congratzz weh..

dellia said...
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dellia said...

demm..i think i'm gonna stick to the aunty title la then..

eFan said...

hehee..yana, hotty aunty!!
ok tak..